Most of the persons sent by the Misdemeanor Court pose very similar issues when they first come to our institution for the implementation of psycho-social treatment (hereinafter referred to as PSTN). And after the introductory explanation of what treatment is, to many it is difficult to see the final benefit, the benefit to them and their families.
PSTN is a protective measure made by the Court in accordance with the Act on Protection from Domestic Violence and the Criminal Code and for committing acts of domestic violence. After the imposition of the measure, the court directs the persons who have received the mentioned protective measure in our institution for the purpose of conducting the treatment, thus completing the process of establishing the guilt and ceasing to influence the final court decision, and it starts something completely different. What? We begin to deal with the assumption of responsibility for your behavior, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and needs of those you are referring to in order to better understand and understand oneself and your behavior. PSTN is implemented through group treatment, and the group allows you to get to know each other, present your experiences and express your thoughts and feelings, work to each other and thus facilitate the process of learning and changing. Group treatment consists of 16 group meetings, in a rhythm once a week for two hours.
Essentially, the purpose of the measure is to change the behavior of a person who has been assessed as inappropriate and threatening to the family member. Treatment is not the goal of changing your personality, just the opposite, we are creating the assumptions to change your chosen patterns of behavior, learn from some of your mistakes and create a safer environment for yourself and your family.
Psycho-social treatment at our institution is carried out by three highly trained specialists, psychologists and social workers. They ended additional training for the implementation of psycho-social treatment in the organization of the Society for Psychological Assistance in Zagreb, by leading experts in the country precisely for the area of domestic violence.